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  • TMS
    TMS 1700-17: Guide for Condition Assessment of Masonry Facades
    Edition: 2017
    / user per year

Content Description

The Masonry Society’s “Guide for Condition Assessment of Masonry Facades” is a living document that describes methodology for inspection and assessment of masonry facades. The Guide is useful to building owners, architects, engineers, and building officials as a valuable tool for masonry façade evaluations related to façade ordinances, restoration and repairs, maintenance programs, and due diligence reports. Starting with a discussion of the factors that affect masonry performance, the Guide continues through the process of masonry façade inspection and assessment with a flow chart and outline of the various tasks and elements of a façade assessment. The Appendix includes special attention on the topics of “Distress Common to Terra Cotta Facades” and “Assessment Techniques of In-Place Masonry”.

About TMS

 Formed in 1977, The Masonry Society (TMS) is an educational, scientific, and technical society dedicated to the advancement of scientific, engineering, architectural, and construction knowledge of masonry. The Society is a not-for-profit, membership driven organization that gathers, correlates, and disseminates information for the improvement of the design, construction, manufacture, use, and maintenance of masonry products and structures. As part of these efforts, TMS develops standards, guides, and other resources, educates through seminars, workshops, conferences, and collaborates with the construction industry, design profession and other leaders desiring to see a better and more resilient built environment.