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  • Joint Commission
    Environment of Care® Essentials for Health Care
    Edition: 2022
    / user per year

Content Description

Are you a facility manager or emergency management coordinator who only needs Joint Commission standards that apply to the physical environment or emergency planning—not the whole manual? Or, do you work in a health care system or as a vendor and need to accurately align compliance efforts across hospital, ambulatory surgery centers, outpatient behavioral clinics, or other settings of care? Make standards compliance and preparing for survey easier with 2022 Environment of Care® Essentials for Health Care. This indispensable spiral-bound or PDF volume bundles the environment of care (EC), emergency management (EM), and life safety (LS) standards and elements of performance (EPs) for all settings in one convenient reference so the information you need is always right at your fingertips. Equipment management (EQ) standards, which appear only in the Comprehensive Accreditation Manual for Home Care, are also included. A recently redesigned matrix will help you streamline compliance efforts in your facility and your health care system, allowing you to quickly cross-reference EC, EM, and LS requirements across settings. You can see similarities and differences at a glance. A simple matrix included at each requirement clearly identifies (with an “x”) whether the requirement applies in each of the eight Joint Commission accreditation programs. (Assisted living communities are new in 2022!) Bracketed wording indicates how and where wording varies slightly across programs. Conversely, if standards, EPs, or notes vary greatly, abbreviations appear in brackets after that text noting it applies only to the programs listed, for example, ambulatory care (AHC), critical access hospitals (CAH), and hospitals (HAP). Simplify your compliance efforts by picking up your copy of EC Essentials today. Buy a soft cover, hard copy book for each member of your facilities team or a PDF site license for all to share! Key Topics Essential information for complying with EC requirements with regard to safety, security, hazardous materials and waste, medical equipment and utility systems, and fire safety Complete Emergency Operations Plan/Emergency Management Plan requirements Unabridged LS management requirements aligned with the 2012 Life Safety Code®* Key Features All EC, EM, and LS standards and EPs effective January 1, 2022 Streamlined grid that compares standards across the continuum of care to promote continuous accreditation readiness for all organizations, including those listed under "Settings" below Glossary terms with clear, straightforward definitions Standards: EC, EM, and LS (across all settings) and EQ (home care only)

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About Joint Commission

The mission of The Joint Commission is to continuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evaluating health care organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the highest quality and value. Its vision is that all people always experience the safest, highest quality, best-value health care across all settings.