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  • IEEE
    IEEE Standard Health Informatics--Device Interoperability Part 10103: Point‐of‐Care Medical Device Communication--Nomenclature--Implantable Device, Cardiac (Published)
    Edition: 2023
    Unlimited Users - 1 Loc per year

Description of 11073-10103-2023 2023

Revision Standard - Active. The base nomenclature provided in IEEE 11073 to support terminology for implantable cardiac devices is extended in this standard. Devices within the scope of this nomenclature are implantable devices such as pacemakers, defibrillators, devices for cardiac resynchronization therapy, and implantable cardiac monitors. The discrete terms necessary to convey a clinically relevant summary of the information obtained during a device interrogation are defined in this nomenclature. To improve workflow efficiencies, cardiology and electrophysiology practices require the management of summary interrogation information from all vendor devices and systems in a central system such as an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system or a device clinic management system. To address this requirement, the Implantable Device, Cardiac (IDC) Nomenclature defines a standard-based terminology for device data. The nomenclature facilitates the transfer of data from the vendor proprietary systems to the clinic EHR or device clinic management system.