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  • ICC
    Significant Changes to the International Fire Code, 2015 Edition
    Edition: 2015
    / user per year

Content Description

Gain full access to the most critical updates to the International Fire Code®, the real-world application of those changes, and why they originated—all in a single, easy-to-use resource. Significant Changes to the International Fire Code® 2015 Edition provides a comprehensive analysis of the significant changes in the new edition of the International Fire Code®, offering key insights into the implications of these changes. Each change analysis features the affected code sections and identifies the change as newly added text, a modification or clarification of the existing language or deleted text. Accompanying each change is a photograph, detailed illustration or comprehensive example to assist and enhance reader understanding. The book’s attention to detail, its logical organization, and its thorough yet concise coverage all make it an ideal tool for transitioning from the 2012 to the 2015 edition of the International Fire Code®.