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  • BSI
    PP 8888-1:2007 Single Copy - SET A guide for schools and colleges to BS 8888:2006, Technical Product Specification
    Edition: 2007
    / user per year

Description of PP 8888-1:2007 Single Copy - SET 2007

This Guide has been produced for teachers of Design and Technology at Key Stage 3 onwards and in Scotland is suitable for Graphic Communication and Product Design at Intermediate 2, Higher and Advanced Higher. It will also be a valuable resource for students studying Applied Engineering or Manufacturing at GCSE, GNVQ or Advanced VCE level. They will find it an essential reference guide when converting their design concepts into instructions for manufacturers.

It has been written to enable teachers and students to familiarize themselves with the British Standard for Technical Product Specifications (TPS), BS 8888:2006.

The aim of this Guide is to introduce students to the benefits of universally accepted ISO technical drawing practices utilizing the general principles and indications of dimensions and tolerances. It also introduces them to the benefits of using technical product documentation and specifications as specified in BS 8888:2006 when applied to current Design and Technology learning outcomes.

The Guide also emphasizes the links that exist between the process of quality management of products designed and manufactured in schools and colleges, and the process of good industrial practice where the design process is considered inseparable from verification (quality management). By raising students’ awareness of these links, they will be better prepared to participate in the rapidly changing technologies of today’s world.