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  • BSI
    PD ISO/TS 18506:2014 Procedure to construct injury risk curves for the evaluation of road user protection in crash tests
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PD ISO/TS 18506:2014 2014

The aim of this Technical Specification is to provide a procedure to develop injury risk curves for biomechanical samples. These samples are often heavily censored and limited in size, such that specific steps and checks are required when developing injury risk curves. Moreover, several statistical methods were historically used to build injury risk curves. The curves resulting from the different methods could be rather close or fairly different, depending on the biomechanical samples. It is therefore of major importance to recommend a consensual method to be used. Otherwise, injury thresholds candidates to be included into regulations could be highly influenced by the statistical method used. These different methods were compared in a statistical simulation study[10]. The conclusions of this study were used to recommend the survival analysis.

This Technical Specification identifies steps to be followed to develop injury risk curves. It recommends preliminary checks, statistical method, and recommendation process of the injury risk curve. Guidelines on the type of the samples to be used (cadaver, animal, or dummy), as well as the variables to be used, and the injury severity level are beyond the scope of this Technical Specification.

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.