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  • BSI
    PD ISO/TS 12812-4:2017 Core banking. Mobile financial services - Mobile payments-to-persons
    Edition: 2017
    / user per year

Description of PD ISO/TS 12812-4:2017 2017

This document provides comprehensive requirements and recommendations, as well as specific use cases for implementation of interoperable mobile payments-to-persons.

The emphasis is placed on the principles governing the operational functioning of mobile payments-to-persons systems and processes, as well as the presentation of the underlying technical, organizational, business, legal and policy issues, leveraging legacy infrastructures of existing payment instruments (see ISO 12812‑1:2017, Annex C).

This document includes the following items:

  1. requirements applicable to mobile payments-to-persons;

  2. recommendations regarding mechanisms involved in the operation of interoperable mobile payments-to-persons;

  3. a description of the different use cases for mobile payments-to-persons;

  4. a generic interoperability model for the provision of different mobile payments-to-persons;

  5. recommendations for the technical implementation of the generic architectures for the mobile payments-to-persons program;

  6. recommendations for mobile remittances;

  7. use cases with the corresponding transaction flows;

  8. discussion of the financial inclusion of unbanked and underbanked persons (Annex A);

  9. some legal aspects to consider for mobile payments-to-persons (Annex B).

The document is structured as follows:

  • Clause 6 sets forth the requirements that a mobile payments-to-persons program must comply with.

  • Clauses 7, 8 and 9 provide the different levels of implementation for the interoperability of mobile payments-to-persons.

  • Clause 7 describes the interoperability principles for mobiles payments-to-persons.

  • Clause 8 describes:

    1. a three-layer high-level architecture for mobile payments-to-persons programs;

    2. payments instruments sustained by these programs;

    3. processing details for a series of significant use cases of mobile payments-to-persons using these payment instruments.

  • Clause 9 provides a step-by-step data flow description for different mobile payments-to-persons implementations: bank-centric, non-bank centric and card-centric. They can be mapped into the processing use cases of Clause 8, where abstraction is made in the nature of the payment service providers.