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  • BSI
    PD CLC/TR 50542-1:2014 Railway applications. Driver\'s cab train display controller (TDC) - General architecture
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PD CLC/TR 50542-1:2014 2014

In accordance with the ERTMS/ETCS specifications, Subset 121, UIC 612 leaflet, ERA ERTMS-015560 3.3.0 document, EN 50126 and EN 61375 series requirements, this Technical Report describes the Train Display System (TDS) in the driver’s cab, and the link between the TDS/TDC and some of its interfaces (Blue box and blue links only):

[Image removed.]

The scope of the Train Display System (TDS) thus includes:

  1. Functions, except functions defined in the ETCS Subset 121. These functions describe exchanges between TDC and the connected display systems;

  2. Performance allocation (RAMS included as per EN 50126 ): for each function defined in item a), defining the performances needed and the degraded modes recovering;

  3. Needs for certification: description of special requirements to avoid ETCS recertification after other display system modification;

  4. Train Display Controller (TDC):

    • Redundancy management;

    • Architecture;

  5. For each system connected (except those defined in ETCS Subset 121): the Functional Interface Specification (FIS).

This Technical Report excludes the following items:

  • Communication protocols (e.g. EN 61375 series);

  • Ergonomic aspects;

  • Interface with ETCS (Subset 121);

  • Train functions;

  • GSMR EIRENE functions;

  • Use of the displays as terminals for maintenance purpose.

About BSI

BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.