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  • BSI
    PD CEN/TR 17465:2020 Space. Use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Field tests definition for basic performance
    Edition: 2020
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Description of PD CEN/TR 17465:2020 2020

This document is the output of WP1.2 “Field test definition for basic performances” of the GP-START project.

The GP-START project aims to prepare the draft standards CEN/CENELEC/TC5 16803-2 and 16803-3 for the Use of GNSS-based positioning for road Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Part 2: Assessment of basic performances of GNSS-based positioning terminals is the specific target of this document.

This document constitutes the part of the Technical Report on Metrics and Performance levels detailed definition and field test definition for basic performances regarding the field tests definition.

The purpose of WP1.2 is to define the field tests to be performed in order to evaluate the performances of road applications’ GNSS-based positioning terminal (GBPT). To fully define the tests, this task addresses the test strategy, the facilities to be used, the test scenarios (e.g. environments and characteristics, which should allow the comparison of different tests), and the test procedures. The defined tests and process will be validated by performing various in-field tests. The defined tests focus essentially on accuracy, integrity and availability as required in the statement of work included in the invitation to tender.

This document will serve to:

  • the consolidation of EN 16803-1 : Definitions and system engineering procedures for the establishment and assessment of performances;

  • the elaboration of EN 16803-2 : Assessment of basic performances of GNSS-based positioning terminals;

  • the elaboration of EN 16803-3 : Assessment of security performances of GNSS-based positioning terminals.

The document is structured as follows:

  • Clause 1 is the present Scope;

  • Clause 5 defines and justifies the global strategy for testing;

  • Clause 6 defines and justifies the retained operational scenario;

  • Clause 7 defines the metrics and related tools;

  • Clause 8 defines the required tests facilities;

  • Clause 9 defines the tests procedures;

  • Clause 10 defines the validation procedures;

  • Clause 11 defines how to report the tests results.