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  • BSI
    PAS 777:2013 Specification for the qualification and labelling of used automotive engines and any related transmission units
    Edition: 2013
    / user per year

Description of PAS 777:2013 2013

This PAS specifies the procedure to be followed in establishing the nature and provenance of essential information to be provided when a used automotive engine and any related transmission unit is to be offered for reuse and establishes rules for the presentation of that information in a consistent and auditable manner.

This procedure identifies the content and nature of information commonly accepted as adequately describing the condition of used automotive engines and supporting the provenance of any related transmissions, setting out the set of predetermined characteristics necessary for their effective labelling.

This PAS only provides for the qualification and labelling of engines and the provenance of any related transmissions submitted for qualification in vehicle. This PAS should not be used to support a statement of engine quality.

This PAS has been developed on the basis of internationally sourced expertise to provide a system for the labelling of used automotive engines and any related transmission units that can be uniformly adopted world-wide.

This PAS does not include provision for making value judgements as to the quality of particular automotive engines or transmission units.