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  • BSI
    PAS 51215:2014 Energy efficiency assessment. Competence of a lead energy assessor. Specification
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PAS 51215:2014 2014

This PAS specifies requirements for the competencies necessary for a person to be deemed capable of conducting an energy efficiency assessment, leading an assessment team, and/or reviewing and approving the outcome of an organization-wide energy efficiency assessment, or series of energy efficiency assessments.

It is applicable to a lead energy assessor who might be working alone or leading an assessment team to complete an energy efficiency assessment. The energy efficiency assessments covered include those to be carried out on a building or group of buildings, industrial operations or installations and transport, which form a key part of an organization’s energy consumption.

Annex A gives examples of ways in which core competencies might be demonstrated, Annex B gives considerations for determining the necessary knowledge and skills of an assessment team and Annex C gives examples of energy use. All annexes are for information and guidance and do not form part of the requirements for the PAS.

This PAS does not cover the processes involved in carrying out an energy efficiency assessment or for identifying the scope of an individual energy efficiency assessment.
