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  • BSI
    PAS 420:2014 Product safety management system for the manufacturing of home and/or personal care products and the raw/packaging materials used for their manufacture. Specification
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of PAS 420:2014 2014

This PAS specifies requirements for establishing, implementing and maintaining a home and/or personal care (HPC) product safety management system and associated prerequisite programmes (PRP) to assist in the manufacture of HPC products and the raw/packaging materials used to manufacture these products.

Examples of home care products include, but are not limited to:

  • bleach;

  • table polish;

  • bathroom cleaner;

  • kettle de-scaler;

  • limescale remover; and

  • antibacterial wipes.

This PAS does not address vacuum cleaners, washing machines or any other electric devices designed for household cleaning.

Examples of personal care products include, but are not limited to:

  • shampoo;

  • hair conditioner;

  • deodorant;

  • moisturiser;

  • nail polish;

  • toothpaste;

  • soap; and

  • hand cream.

This PAS is applicable to all organizations, regardless of size or complexity, involved in manufacturing HPC products or the raw/packaging materials used to manufacture these products, who wish to implement a HPC product safety management system and associated PRPs.

HPC product, raw and packaging material manufacturing operations are diverse in nature and not all of the requirements specified in this PAS apply to an individual organization or process. Accordingly:

  • Manufacturers of raw and / or packaging materials are to comply with the main requirements of this PAS.

  • Manufacturers of home care products are to comply with the main requirements of this PAS, and in addition, the requirements of Annex A.

  • Manufacturers of personal care products are to comply with the main requirements of this PAS, and in addition, the requirements of Annex A and Annex B.

NOTE Where a customer specifies additional requirements, as outlined in Annex A or Annex B, then the organization is to consider these when developing and implementing their product safety management system.