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  • BSI
    PAS 2012-1:2019 M1 vehicles for the carriage of one or more passengers seated in wheelchairs - Manufacturing requirements. Specification
    Edition: 2019
    / user per year

Description of PAS 2012-1:2019 2019

This part of PAS 2012 specifies design and manufacturing requirements for a wheelchair accessible vehicle (WAV) of EC Category M1, in which one or more passengers travel, each seated in a wheelchair that is secured in the WAV using four-point strap-type tie-downs.

NOTE 1 Some four-point strap-type tie-downs are wheelchair-specific, and are designed to be used with only one particular model of wheelchair. Care should be taken when selecting appropriate tie-downs, as not all four-point strap-type tie-downs might be suitable for test in accordance with the requirements of this PAS. For example, it might not be possible to attach some wheelchair-specific tie-downs to a SWC and some wheelchair-specific WTORSs include wheelchair occupant restraint anchorages that attach to the wheelchair itself rather than the WAV structure.

It specifies:

  1. a gauge-based method for measuring the key accessibility dimensions of WAVs capable of transporting occupied wheelchairs ranging from 775 mm to 1 350 mm long, 500 mm to 830 mm wide and 975 mm to 1 550 mm high;

  2. a separate method for measuring the key accessibility dimensions of WAVs capable of transporting occupied wheelchairs in excess of 1 350 mm long, 830 mm wide or 1 550 mm high;

  3. requirements for wheelchair access devices (where fitted), including:

    1. ramps;

    2. lifts;

    3. winches;

  4. requirements for wheelchair tie-down and occupant restraint system (WTORS) anchorages for securing wheelchairs ≤200 kg in mass, and wheelchair users, within the WAV, including:

    1. static and dynamic test methods, (either of which can be used), for determining the strength of WTORS anchorages for forward-facing wheelchairs ≤85 kg;

    2. a dynamic test method for determining the strength of WTORS anchorages for forward-facing wheelchairs >85 kg to ≤200 kg;

  5. requirements for rearward-facing wheelchair installations including:

    1. static test method for WTORS anchorages;

    2. static test method for wheelchair occupant head and back support;

  6. structural integrity; and

  7. requirements for service elements, for example, a user manual (including WAV technical specification to facilitate direct comparisons between WAVs) and re-call procedures.

It does not specify requirements for securing an occupied wheelchair in the driving position of a WAV.

NOTE 2 The securing of an occupied wheelchair in the driving position of a WAV tends to be a bespoke solution for which appropriate design and test requirements have not yet been fully developed.

It does not specify requirements for securing the wheelchair other than with four-point strap-type tie-downs.

NOTE 3 PAS 2012‑1 is limited to four-point strap-type tie-downs due to the lack of technical data to support the drafting of requirements for other, more bespoke types of wheelchair tie-down equipment. However, the general principles of the test annexes may be applied to other types of wheelchair tie-down equipment, subject to it being possible to make appropriate modifications to the SWC.

This part of PAS 2012 does not specify requirements for the retail of WAVs.

NOTE 4 PAS 2012‑2 specifies requirements for the retail of WAVs conforming to PAS 2012‑1.

NOTE 5 In cases where items or features fitted to a WAV are optional, the requirements applicable to them only apply where fitted.