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  • BSI
    BS ISO 4927:2005 Road vehicles. Elastomeric boots for cylinders for drum type hydraulic brake wheel cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 120°C max.)
    Edition: 2005
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 4927:2005 2005

This International Standard specifies performance tests for moulded rubber boots used at end closures on drum type wheel brake cylinders. These boots prevent the entrance of dirt and moisture which could cause corrosion and otherwise impair wheel brake operation.

This International Standard is applicable to boots of both plain and reinforcement insert types, for fitting in wheel cylinders using a fluid in accordance with ISO 4925. It does not include requirements relating to chemical composition, tensile strength or elongation at brake of the rubber compound. It does not cover the strength of adhesion of rubber to the reinforcement in the insert type.

The rubber material used in these boots shall be suitable for operation in a temperature range of − 40 °C to + 120 °C.