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  • BSI
    BS ISO 26867:2009 Road vehicles. Brake lining friction materials. Friction behaviour assessment for automotive brake systems
    Edition: 2009
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 26867:2009 2009

This International Standard describes a test procedure for assessing the influence of pressure, temperature, and linear speed on the coefficient of friction of a given friction material in combination with a specific mating component (rotor or drum).

This International Standard is intended for use when comparing friction materials under the same conditions, or when controlling friction behaviour against a specification or certain performance limits. In order to take into account the different types of dynamometer cooling systems and to ensure repeatable temperature increments, the brake temperature is the control item during the fade sections. The types of brakes and discs used will vary according to individual projects.

Production verification testing can use the results from this test in conjunction with a statistical process control system as part of a quality assurance plan. The specific project or programme will detail the applicable limits and assessment criteria.

This International Standard also allows for additional sections and brake applications that can prove useful during product development testing.