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  • BSI
    BS ISO 2534:2020 Road vehicles. Engine test code. Gross power
    Edition: 2020
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 2534:2020 2020

This document specifies a method for testing internal combustion engines for propulsion of road vehicles as defined in ISO 3833. It applies to the evaluation of their performance with a view, in particular, to presenting curves of power and specific fuel consumption at full load as a function of engine speed.

This document is applicable to gross power assessment.

This document concerns internal combustion engines used for propulsion of passenger cars, trucks and other motor vehicles, excluding motorcycles, mopeds and agricultural tractors normally travelling on roads, and included in one of the following categories:

  1. reciprocating internal combustion engines (spark-ignition or compression-ignition) but excluding free piston engines;

  2. rotary piston engines.

These engines can be naturally aspirated or pressure charged, either using a mechanical supercharger or turbocharger.

This document is primarily intended for the communication between the engine manufacturer and the manufacturer of the vehicle. If used for advertising purposes, the ratings will clearly state that they are gross power in accordance with 9.2.