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  • BSI
    BS ISO 20918:2007 Road vehicles. Braking threshold pressures for heavy commercial vehicle combinations with fully pneumatic braking systems. Test with roller brake tester
    Edition: 2007
    / user per year

Description of BS ISO 20918:2007 2007

This International Standard describes a method to evaluate the braking threshold of heavy commercial vehicle combinations with pneumatic braking systems, by means of a roller brake tester.

This International Standard describes procedures for workshops and garages and provides

  • a recommended pressure range of the system threshold pressure for motor vehicles and trailers, and

  • a recommended practice for determining the system threshold pressure.

NOTE Motor vehicles and trailer combinations with conventional braking systems are covered by the procedures given in this International Standard. Motor vehicles with a conventional braking system coupled to an EBS equipped trailer can also be tested using the procedure given in this International Standard, as the pneumatic control line is used.

This International Standard covers neither high-pressure compatibility, including the control of the coefficient of friction between lining/pad and drum/disc, nor dynamic influences. This International Standard is not for use at Type Approval.