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  • BSI
    BS EN ISO 23702-1:2023 - TC Tracked Changes. Leather. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances - Determination of non-volatile compounds by extraction method using liquid chromatography
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Description of BS EN ISO 23702-1:2023 - TC 2023

This document specifies a test method for detection and quantification of extractable non-volatile per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in leather and coated leather by solvent extraction and liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. This document, taking into account the three-dimensional distribution of the fibres within leather, makes the evaluation of the PFAS with respect to the mass. PFAS substances categories and applications are listed in Annex A, Table A.1. Classes of PFAS regulated compounds listed in Annex B, Table B.1, include acids, telomers, sulfonates and sulphonamide alcohols. Classes of other non-regulated compounds that can be determined by this document are listed in Annex C, Table C.1. NOTE 1        By applying the method specified in this document, the concentration of free fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOH) in a sample cannot be correctly quantified if perfluoropolymers that release FTOH due to transesterification with the extraction solvent methanol are present in the sample. NOTE 2        Some regulations (e.g. Reference [4]) also restrict perfluoropolymers having a linear or branched perfluoroheptyl group with the moiety (C7F15)C as one of the structural elements that can degrade to PFOA, e.g. polymers containing 2-perfluorooctylethanol (8:2 FTOH, CAS Registry Number® 678-39-7) bonded as esters. To determine whether these perfluoropolymers are intentionally present, it could be necessary to introduce an alkaline hydrolysis method to remove the 8:2 FTOH side-chain from the polymer. In addition, other FTOH, e.g. 6:2 FTOH or 10:2 FTOH, will be released from relevant perfluoropolymers by alkaline hydrolysis.