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  • BSI
    BS EN ISO 22600-2:2014 Health informatics. Privilege management and access control - Formal models
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS EN ISO 22600-2:2014 2014

This multi-part International Standard defines principles and specifies services needed for managing privileges and access control to data and/or functions.

It focuses on communication and use of health information distributed across policy domain boundaries. This includes healthcare information sharing across unaffiliated providers of healthcare, healthcare organizations, health insurance companies, their patients, staff members, and trading partners by both individuals and application systems ranging from a local situation to a regional or even national situation.

It specifies the necessary component-based concepts and is intended to support their technical implementation. It will not specify the use of these concepts in particular clinical process pathways.

This part of ISO 22600 introduces the underlying paradigm of formal high-level models for architectural components. It is based on ISO/IEC 10746 (all parts) and introduces the domain model, the document model, the policy model, the role model, the authorization model, the delegation model, the control model, and the access control model.

The specifications are provided using the meta-languages Unified Modelling Language (UML) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). Additional diagrams are used for explaining the principles. The attributes used have been referenced to the HL7 reference information model (see ISO 21731:2006) and the HL7 data type definitions.

The role model has been roughly introduced referring to ISO 21298.