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  • BSI
    BS EN ISO 12215-5:2008+A1:2014 Small craft. Hull construction and scantlings - Design pressures for monohulls, design stresses, scantlings determination
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS EN ISO 12215-5:2008+A1:2014 2014

This part of ISO12215 applies to the determination of design pressuresand stresses, and to thedetermination of the scantlings, including internal structural members ofmonohull small craft constructed fromfibre-reinforced plastics, aluminium orsteel alloys, glued wood or other suitable boat building material, with a length of hull, LH, in accordance with ISO8666, between 2,5 m and 24 m. It onlyapplies to boats in the intactcondition.

It onlyapplies to craft with a maximumspeed u 50 knots in mLDC conditions.

The assessment shall generally include all parts of the craft that are assumed watertight orweathertight when assessing stability, freeboard and buoyancyin accordance with ISO12217 and are essential to the safetyofthe craft and of persons onboard.

For the complete scantlings of the craft, this part of ISO12215 is used in conjunction with Part6, for details,Part 7 formultihulls, Part 8 for rudders and Part9 for appendages and rig attachment.

The scantling determination of windows, portlights,deadlights, hatches and doors, is in accordance withISO 12216. The structure supporting these elements is in accordance with thispart of ISO 12215.

NOTE1Scantlings derived from this part of ISO12215 are primarily intended to apply to recreational craft includingrecreational charter vessels and may not be suitable for performance racing craft.

NOTE 2This part of ISO 12215 is based on the assumption that scantlings are governed solely by local loads.

NOTE3The scantling requirements of this part of ISO12215 are considered to correspond to the minimum strengthrequirements of motor and sailing craft which are operated in a safe and responsible manner, having due cognisance ofthe prevailing conditions.

Pressures and stresses are normallyexpressedin pascals, kilopascals or megapascals. For the purposesof a better understanding for the users of this part of ISO12215, the pressures are expressed in kilonewtons persquare metre (1kN/m2=1kPa) and stresses or elastic moduli are expressed in newtons per square millimetre(1 N/mm2= 1 MPa).

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BSI Group, also known as the British Standards Institution is the national standards body of the United Kingdom. BSI produces technical standards on a wide range of products and services and also supplies certification and standards-related services to businesses.