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  • BSI
    BS EN IEC 63254:2022 Management and interfaces for WPT. Device-to-device wireless charging (D2DWC) for mobile devices with wireless power TX/RX module
    Edition: 2022
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Description of BS EN IEC 63254:2022 2022

This standard defines specification and control protocol of D2DWC module for using wireless power TX and RX functions by only one single device. And the related antenna physical design examples are presented in Annex A for sharing information. This standard propose D2DWC module circuit requirement which are consisted with the D2DWC main AP, D2DWC IC, EMT/WPT Antenna Unit and PMIC unit. In the Chapter 5, ‘Specifications and control protocol of D2DWC’, the register information and message protocols for WPT control are defined in order to implement the WPT TX function. In this standard, the interface and protocol in the wireless power process of the mobile device can be used in accordance with the corresponding wireless power transfer standard. Any wireless power transfer standard working inside 100 - 350 kHz frequency range can be included from the scope of this standard. This standard can be used to mobile wireless power transfer in mobile phones and other mobile devices, IoT, and micro-sensor industries and related application fields.