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  • BSI
    BS EN IEC 61726:2022 - TC Tracked Changes. Cable assemblies, cables, connectors and passive microwave component. Screening attenuation measurement by the reverberation chamber method
    Edition: 2022
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Description of BS EN IEC 61726:2022 - TC 2022

This standard describes the measurement of screening attenuation by the reverberation chamber measurement method, also called mode stirred chamber method. This standard is applicable to screening attenuation measurements of cable assemblies, cables, connectors, and passive microwave components, such as waveguides, phase shifters, diplexers/multiplexers, power dividers/combiners and etc. Modern electronic equipments have shown a demand for methods for testing screening attenuation performance of microwave components over their whole frequency range. Convenient measurement methods have existed for lower frequencies and components of regular shape. These measurement methods are described in IEC 62153 series standards. For much higher frequencies and for components of irregular shape, the reverberation chamber method should be used. Theoretically, the reverberation chamber method has no upper limit of the measurement frequency, but it is limited by the quality and sensitivity of the measurement system, and the lower limit of the measurement frequency is restricted by the size of the reverberation chamber.