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  • BSI
    BS EN IEC 60794-3-40:2022 Optical fibre cables - Outdoor cables. Family specification for cables for storm and sanitary sewers
    Edition: 2022
    / user per year

Description of BS EN IEC 60794-3-40:2022 2022

This part of IEC 60794 is a family specification that covers sewer cables and conduits for installation by blowing and/ or pulling in man accessible and non-man accessible storm and sanitary sewers. Systems built with components covered by this standard are subject to the requirements of sectional specification IEC 60794-3. Sewer cable and conduit constructions have to meet the different requirements of the sewer operating companies and/or associations regarding chemical, environmental, operational, cleaning and in general maintenance conditions. Preferential applications, describing sewer cable characteristics versus methods of installation is reported in Annex A and Annex B for non-man accessible sewers. Clause 5 describes characteristics of sewer cables and conduits for installation by blowing, pulling or other means in storm and sanitary sewers. Detail specifications may be prepared on the basis of this family specification. The parameters specified in this standard may be affected by measurement uncertainty arising either from measurement errors or calibration errors due to lack of suitable standards. Acceptance criteria should be interpreted with respect to this consideration. The number of fibres tested is representative of the sewer cable and should be agreed between the customer and the supplier.