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  • BSI
    BS EN 930:1997+A2:2009 Footware, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines. Roughing, scouring, polishing and trimming machines. Safety requirements
    Edition: 2009
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 930:1997+A2:2009 2009

1.1 This standard applies to the following machines which are intended to work material for the manufacture of footwear: - Automatic and manual roughing, scouring and polishing machines; - Automatic and manual edge contour trimming machines. 1.2 This standard does not apply to modular shoe repair machines. 1.3 This standard specifies safety requirements for design, construction and operation. It takes account of intended use, foreseeable misuse, component and system failure. 1.4 This standard covers all hazards relevant to the footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing industries. The use of machines within the scope of this standard in different industries may give rise to hazards which were not taken into account at the time of its preparation. 1.5 This document is not applicable to roughing, scouring, polishing and trimming machines which are manufactured before the date of its publication as EN.