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  • BSI
    BS EN 818-3:1999+A1:2008 Short link chain for lifting purposes. Safety - Medium tolerance chain for chain slings. Grade 4
    Edition: 2008
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 818-3:1999+A1:2008 2008

!This part of EN 818 specifies the requirements related to safety for short link chains, grade 4, of medium tolerance for use in chain slings to EN 818-4:1996+A1 and for general lifting purposes." The standard is applicable to electrically welded round steel short link chains, conforming to !EN 818-1:1996+A1", which are intended for lifting objects, materials or goods.

The range of nominal sizes of chain covered by this Part of EN 818 is from 7 mm to 45 mm.

The hazards covered by this Part of EN 818 are identified in clause 4.

Annex A contains the bases for calculation of tabulated values for dimensions, working load limits and mechanical properties.

Annex B gives information on the mass/metre of chain.

Annex C gives an example of a designation system for chains of grade 4.

Annex ZA gives the relationship with EU Directives.