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  • BSI
    BS EN 62784:2018 Vacuum cleaners and dust extractors providing equipment protection level Dc for the collection of combustible dusts. Particular requirements
    Edition: 2019
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 62784:2018 2019

IEC 62784:2017 covers electrical mobile motor-operated vacuum cleaners Equipment Protection Level (EPL) Dc.
This includes dust extractors, for wet suction or dry suction, intended for commercial indoor use with or without attachments, to collect combustible dust in an explosive dust atmosphere.
The requirements for the construction and testing covered by this document are applied in addition to the requirements for commercial and industrial vacuum cleaners in IEC 60335-2-69.
This document supplements and modifies the requirements of IEC 60079-0. Whenever a requirement of this standard is in conflict with a requirement of IEC 60079-0 the requirement of this standard will take precedence.
The following power systems are covered:
- mains powered motors up to a rated voltage of 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
This document does not cover specific hazards associated with extreme ambient temperatures (less than –20 °C or higher than 40 °C) unless otherwise marked by the manufacturer as given in IEC 60079-0. The temperatures shall not exceed the temperature range of –20 °C to +60 °C.
This document does not cover motorized cleaning heads for which additional requirements are under consideration.
This document does not apply to:
- back-pack vacuum cleaners;
- vacuum cleaners with a traction drive;
- vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances for household use (IEC 60335-2-2);
- floor treatment machines for commercial use (IEC 60335-2-67, IEC 60335-2-72);
- spray extraction machines for commercial use (IEC 60335-2-68);
- hand-held mains-operated electrical garden blowers, vacuums and blower vacuums (IEC 60335-2-100);
- hand-held and transportable motor-operated electric tools (IEC 62841 series);
- appliances for medical purposes (IEC 60601-1);
- machines designed for use in corrosive environments;
- machines designed for picking up flammable liquids;
- machines designed for use in explosive environments due to the presence of explosive substances or pyrotechnical products, or unstable chemical substances.