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  • BSI
    BS EN 62660-3:2016 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road vehicles - Safety requirements
    Edition: 2016
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Description of BS EN 62660-3:2016 2016

This part of IEC 62660 specifies test procedures and the acceptance criteria for safety performance of secondary lithium-ion cells and cell blocks used for the propulsion of electric vehicles (EV) including battery electric vehicles (BEV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).


Cell blocks can be used as an alternative to cells according to the agreement between the manufacturer and the customer.


Concerning the cell for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), the manufacturer can select either the test condition of the BEV application or the HEV application.

This International Standard intends to determine the basic safety performance of cells used in a battery pack and system under intended use, and reasonably foreseeable misuse or incident, during the normal operation of the EV. The safety requirements of the cell in this standard are based on the premise that the cells are properly used in a battery pack and system within the limits for voltage, current and temperature as specified by the cell manufacturer (cell operating region).

The evaluation of the safety of cells during transport and storage is not covered by this standard.


The safety performance requirements for lithium-ion battery packs and systems are defined in ISO 12405‑3 . The specifications and safety requirements for lithium-ion battery packs and systems of electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles are defined in ISO 18243 (under development). IEC 62619 (under development) covers the safety requirements for the lithium ion cells and batteries for industrial applications including forklift trucks, golf carts, and automated guided vehicles.


Information on the cell operating region is provided in Annex A.