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  • BSI
    BS EN 62485-3:2014 Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations - Traction batteries
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 62485-3:2014 2014

This part of the IEC 62485 applies to secondary batteries and battery installations used for electric vehicles, e.g. in electric industrial trucks (including lift trucks, tow trucks, cleaning machines, automatic guided vehicles), in battery powered locomotives, in electric vehicles (e.g. goods vehicles, golf carts, bicycles, wheelchairs), and does not cover the design of such vehicles.

This International Standard covers lead dioxide-lead (lead-acid), nickel oxide-cadmium, nickel-oxide-metal hydride and other alkaline secondary batteries. Safety aspects of secondary lithium batteries in such applications will be covered in their own appropriate standards.

The nominal voltages are limited to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. respectively and the principal measures for protection against hazards generally from electricity, gas emission and electrolyte are described.

It provides requirements on safety aspects associated with the installation, use, inspection, maintenance and disposal of batteries.