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  • BSI
    BS EN 61643-312:2013 Components for low-voltage surge protective devices - Selection and application principles for gas discharge tubes
    Edition: 2013
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 61643-312:2013 2013

This part of IEC 61643 is applicable to gas discharge tubes (GDT) used for overvoltage protection in telecommunications, signalling and low-voltage power distribution networks with nominal system voltages up to 1 000 V (r.m.s.) a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. They are defined as a gap, or several gaps with two or three metal electrodes hermetically sealed so that gas mixture and pressure are under control. They are designed to protect apparatus or personnel, or both, from high transient voltages. This standard provides information about the characteristics and circuit applications of GDTs having two or three electrodes. This standard does not specify requirements applicable to complete surge protective devices, nor does it specify total requirements for GDTs employed within electronic devices, where precise coordination between GDT performance and surge protective device withstand capability is highly critical.

This part of IEC 61643

  • does not deal with mountings and their effect on GDT characteristics. Characteristics given apply solely to GDTs mounted in the ways described for the tests;

  • does not deal with mechanical dimensions;

  • does not deal with quality assurance requirements;

  • may not be sufficient for GDTs used on high-frequency (>30 MHz);

  • does not deal with electrostatic voltages;

  • does not deal with hybrid overvoltage protection components or composite GDT devices.