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  • BSI
    BS EN 50342-5:2010 Lead-acid starter batteries - Properties of battery housings and handles
    Edition: 2011
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 50342-5:2010 2011

This European Standard covers multicell battery housings produced of polypropylene as the preferred material for lead-acid batteries as an energy storage device for cranking combustion engines, for lighting and for additional equipment used in road vehicles. These batteries are all referred to as starter batteries.

This European Standard describes battery housings for batteries usable within the engine compartment and for installation under conditions where they are protected from light.

Batteries of this European Standard do not provide additional features for special protection from light. Therefore, batteries with limited protection from light are to be treated as a special case.

The purpose of this European Standard is to describe the properties of battery housings for its use in combustion vehicles by means of uniform examination procedures and by defining the requirements for the raw material and the complete part.

The test procedure and requirements for the complete housing are described in the main part. Test procedures for the raw material are determined in Annex A. Annex B recommends possible test procedures for the material properties taken out of the complete housings, without being normative.