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  • BSI
    BS EN 50209:1999 Test of insulation of bars and coils of high-voltage machines
    Edition: 1999
    / user per year

Description of BS EN 50209:1999 1999

This specification applies to rotating electrical machines with rated voltages (UN) from 5 kV to 24 kV inclusive and with rated output from 5 MVA upwards for generators and from 5 MW upwards for motors.

Requirements for machines with rated voltage above 24 kV should remain the subject of individual agreement.

This specification is also applicable to machines with rated outputs between 1 MVA (1 MW) and 5 MVA (5 MW) and with rated voltages of 5 kV and above, provided its use has been agreed beforehand.

In the case of machines whose windings are cured in the stator, tests on the separate winding elements are not possible; for these machines the requirements in Part B apply. The test of the conductor lamination insulation must however be carried out in accordance with 2.3 of Part A.

Tests on bars and coils of machines rated at 5 kV to 24 kV and from 5 MVA (MW) upwards (or down to 1 MVA (MW) by agreement).