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  • BSI
    BS AU 217-2:1989 Maximum road speed limiters for motor vehicles - Specification for system and component requirements
    Edition: 1990
    / user per year

Description of BS AU 217-2:1989 1990

This Part of BS AU 217 specifies requirements for the performance of systems and components designed to form part of a speed limiter intended to limit the maximum road speed of motor vehicles by control of engine power.

Appendix A gives a system durability test, Appendix B, a time and temperature stability test, Appendix C shows transient voltage test severity levels, Appendix D a sinusoidal vibration test and Appendix E gives additional tests which systems manufacturers may wish to include in their own specifications.

NOTE 1 Not all the requirements given will necessarily apply to every speed limiter system. For example, some are of a mechanical nature and therefore electrical characteristics will not be applicable.

NOTE 2 The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are listed on the inside back cover.

NOTE 3 All voltages are quoted for nominal 24 V systems and, in brackets, for 12 V systems i.e. 24(12).

Performance requirements.