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  • BSI
    BS 8460:2017 Code of practice for the safe use of MEWPS
    Edition: 2017
    / user per year

Description of BS 8460:2017 2017

This British Standard gives recommendations and guidance for the selection, hiring, positioning, maintenance and thorough examination of mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs). It also gives recommendations for the safe use of MEWPs, including the selection and training of operators and other personnel, together with guidance to assist in the selection of competent persons.

NOTE This British standard does not give recommendations for delivering persons and materials to fixed landing levels. Equipment intended for this purpose, such as lifts or hoists, are dealt with by other standards including BS EN 12158‑1, Builders' hoists for goodsHoists with accessible platforms, BS EN 12159, Builders hoists for persons and materials with vertically guided cages, and BS EN 81 (all parts), Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts.

This British Standard is not applicable to:

  • mast climbing work platforms;

  • fire-fighting and fire rescue appliances;

  • non-integrated working platforms on forklift trucks of any type;

  • lifting tables;

  • suspended access equipment;

  • building maintenance units;

  • construction hoists;

  • transport platforms;

  • wind turbine and tower crane access lifts;

  • belt and chain conveyors;

  • capstan winches; or

  • hoists powered by direct drive internal combustion engines.