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  • BSI
    BS 7273-4:2015+A1:2021 Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures - Actuation of release mechanisms for doors
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of BS 7273-4:2015+A1:2021 2021

This part of BS 7273 gives recommendations for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of electrical control arrangements for actuation of mechanisms that unlock, release or open doors in the event of fire. It applies to all aspects of the interface between these mechanisms and a fire detection and fire alarm system, including interfaces that incorporate acoustic coupling and radio transmission. It does not recommend whether the above mechanisms should, or should not, be used in any given premises, or in any particular circumstances.

The interface arrangements to which this part of BS 7273 applies, include any such arrangements that are designed in the event of fire to:

  1. release fire‑resisting doors that are normally held in the open position;

  2. unlock doors that are normally locked; or

  3. cause powered sliding doors to open.

This British Standard does not apply to electrically controlled systems that form part of a smoke venting system.

NOTE 1 Recommendations for the interface between these systems and a fire detection and fire alarm system are given in BS 7273‑6.

This part of BS 7273 does not generally apply to the equipment that holds, releases, locks or unlocks the doors, or that facilitates the opening of powered sliding doors.

NOTE 2 Recommendations are given, where appropriate, for the standards to which some of this equipment needs to conform.

This part of BS 7273 does not apply to products used within the fire detection and fire alarm system that initiate the signal to actuate the door locking or release mechanisms, nor to aspects of the fire detection and fire alarm system concerned with its primary function to give warning in the event of fire.

NOTE 3 Recommendations for the design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of fire detection and fire alarm systems are given in BS 5839‑1, which refers normatively to BS 7273 for the interface between a fire detection and fire alarm system and other fire protection systems and equipment.

The scope of this part of BS 7273 is shown diagrammatically in Figure 1.


Figure 1 Scope of BS 7273‑4

image Within the scope of this standard
image Outside the scope of this standard
1) Any special recommendations for provision and siting of fire detectors and manual call points are within the scope of this standard.

2) The effect of failures of power supply for the devices is within the scope of this standard.

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