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  • BSI
    BS 6440:2011 Powered vertical lifting platforms having non-enclosed or partially enclosed liftways intended for use by persons with impaired mobility. Specification
    Edition: 2011
    / user per year

Description of BS 6440:2011 2011

This British Standard specifies requirements for the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning, testing, maintenance and dismantling of new permanently installed electrically powered vertical lifting platforms with the following characteristics:

  • travelling vertically between predefined levels along a guided path where the inclination to the vertical does not exceed 15°;

  • supported or sustained by wire ropes, chains, rack and pinion, hydraulic cylinder (direct or indirect), screw and nut or scissors mechanisms;

  • having non-enclosed or partially enclosed liftways;

  • having non-enclosed or partially enclosed carriers;

  • having a rated speed that is not greater than 0.15 m/s;

  • having a travel distance that is not greater than 3.0 m;

  • sized for use with type A or type B wheelchairs conforming to BS EN 12183 and/or BS EN 12184.

It is applicable to lifting platforms that are intended primarily for the transport of persons with impaired mobility, with or without a wheelchair.

NOTE 1 The lifting platforms specified in this standard can be used in domestic or non-domestic premises, and can be installed indoors or outdoors. Their installation in some premises might not be practicable.

NOTE 2 Although this British Standard is applicable to new lifting platforms, it can also be used as guidance for the refurbishment and re-installation of existing lifting platforms.