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  • BSI
    BS 5131-0:1990 Methods of test for footwear and footwear materials - General introduction
    Edition: 1991
    / user per year

Description of BS 5131-0:1990 1991

This Part of BS 5131 lists each test method published as a Section of thus standard. The Sections are available separately. This Part also lists other British Standard methods of test applicable to footwear and footwear materials so as to function as a general index of all British Standard test methods applicable in the footwear industry.

Table 1 lists the Sections of BS 5131 by title and indicates the SATRA test methods on which they are based (where relevant).

Table 2 lists methods of test which deal with the testing of individual materials relevant to the footwear industry.

Table 3 lists the applicability of the methods of test according to the property tested and the material under test.

The methods of test are intended to permit valid comparisons to be made between various materials intended to fulfil the same structural and design function. As a consequence, the methods of test may be used to predict performance in manufacturing or in use. Experience in the Industry indicates that in most cases the methods are accurate in this sense. In cases where the methods are inaccurate (for example, when used in conjunction with particular materials), this is stated in the scope clause of the particular test method concerned.

Attention is drawn to the fact that it is necessary to refer to the particular standard as given in tables 2 and 3 when carrying out the test, and not to this Part of BS 5131. In particular, for water vapour permeability, two alternative methods are given (method 24 of BS 3144 or BS 3177). Since these give different results, reference to the method of test is obviously needed. Similar remarks apply to flexing properties and to cracking and bursting strength and stretch.

The test methods include tolerances for all critical parameters in order to provide the maximum reproducibility of test results. Where the test methods involve a small element of subjectivity and require lower levels of skill and judgement in operation, the tests give results with a high degree of reproducibility. Where the test methods involve a greater element of subjectivity, or require higher levels of skill and judgement in operation, the test results are less reproducible. This has been clearly established where the test methods require several test specimens to be tested. However, in the absence of suitable interlaboratory test data, the expected precision and confidence limits of the results for any of the methods cannot be quoted. Nevertheless, the methods are widely used in the industry and function satisfactorily in product development, product specification and in troubleshooting.

Throughout this British Standard. SI units have been used. However, the test equipment currently used to carry out some of the tests is calibrated in other units, and in such cases the appropriate value is first given in SI units and then given in brackets in the other units.

Lists the methods of test given in the Sections of BS 5131 together with a further list of other methods used to test footwear materials.

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