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  • BSI
    24/30478219 DC EN 1991-3 Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. - Part 3: Actions induced by cranes and machines
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Description of 24/30478219 DC 2024

(1) EN 1991-3 defines actions imposed by cranes and other machines including dynamic effects, if relevant, for the structural design of crane or machine supporting structures. (2) EN 1991-3 provides guidance on crane classification in terms of dynamic factors and fatigue actions. (3) EN 1991-3 applies to supporting structures of − bridge, gantry and wall cranes travelling on fixed runways; − fixed machines that cause a harmonic dynamic loading on fixed supporting structures. (4) The principles provided in EN 1991-3 can be applied also to determine actions on supporting structures of cranes other than those referred to in (3). (5) EN 1991-3 does not provide partial factors for actions. NOTE For partial factors for actions, see Annex A.5 to EN 1990:2023+prA1:2024. (6) EN 1991-3 does not provide actions or provisions for the design of cranes and machines.