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  • BSI
    21/30377339 DC BS ISO 23280. Electrically propelled mopeds and motorcycles. Test method for evaluation of energy performance using motor dynamometer
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Description of 21/30377339 DC 2021

This international standard specifies a test method to evaluate energy performance of electric motorcycles and mopeds by measuring performance of a test motor system (3.5) to be installed to an electric moped or motorcycle under consideration.

Test is carried out on a motor dynamometer test bench where the traction motor system is connected to a load motor system that simulates resistance torque arising from running resistance of vehicle and drive train friction loss and inertia effect.

This method provides estimates of specific energy consumption and range of an electric moped or motorcycle to which the traction motor system is intended to be applied.

This standard is only applicable to two-wheeled motorcycles and mopeds.


This test method is applicable to motorcycle or moped regardless of types of power transmission devices, such as chains, belts, gears, ratio controllable CVT’s, shaft drives, direct drives, etc., once gear ratios (ratio of input to output speed) and transmission efficiencies (ratio of input to output torque) are provided.