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    ANSI/BICSI 003-2014, Building Information Modeling (BIM) Practices for Information Technology Systems
    Edition: 2014
    / user per year

Content Description

The request and adoption of building information modeling (BIM) for information and communications technology (ICT) industry projects has been steadily increasing in recent years. Architectural, engineering, and construction firms all differ in what they require and ultimately provide their client. When combined with the varying levels of information provided by manufacturers that support all aspects of the construction industry, the result can be inefficiencies, frustration, and a failure to meet project expectations. BICSI 003 is the first BIM standard written specifically for communication and ICT. At its core, the new standard provides detailed information about BIM content models and object parameters, setting the recommended levels and guidelines for BIM models. Also contained are considerations about the integration of BIM within projects as well as identifying items within ICT that often enter into spatial conflicts with other areas of construction (e.g., electrical, mechanical).