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  • ASTM
    F1381-92(2003) Standard Guide for Planning and Developing 9-1-1 Enhanced Telephone Systems (Withdrawn 2008)
    Edition: 2003
    Unlimited Users per year

Description of ASTM-F1381 2003

ASTM F1381-92-Reapproved2003

Withdrawn Standard: Standard Guide for Planning and Developing 9-1-1 Enhanced Telephone Systems (Withdrawn 2008)

ASTM F1381


1.1 This guide recommends minimum performance requirements for enhanced access to public safety services using the North American standard emergency telephone number, 9-1-1.

1.2 This guide provides assistance to states, counties, and local jurisdictions in the development of 9-1-1 enhanced systems.

1.3 This guide makes recommendations for planning and organizational needs in the development of 9-1-1 enhanced systems.

1.4 This guide does not address access to public safety response services through means other than use of the 9-1-1 telephone number.

1.5 This guide applies only to the use of the number 9-1-1 to request a public safety response, from the point of initiation of the call through the point that the caller is connected to the responsible agency, or essential information needed for disposition of the call, or both, is received.

1.6 The sections in this guide are arranged in the following order:

Scope 1
Terminology 2
Significance and Use 3
Concept of Operation for 9-1-1 Telephone Systems 4
9-1-1 Performance Factors 4.1
9-1-1 Performance Requirements 4.2
Coordinating 9-1-1 Systems 5
State 9-1-1 Statutory Provisions 6
9-1-1 Funding 7
Funding Alternatives 7.1
Funding considerations 7.2
Geographical Data Bases 8
Automatic Location Identification 8.1
Uniform Address Program 8.2
Selective Call Routing 8.3
Service Areas 8.4
Other Planning Concerns 9
Public Education 9.1
Personnel Training 9.2

1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.


automatic location identification (ALI); automatic number identification (ANI); basic 9-1-1; emergency medical services (EMS); emergency service number (ESN); enhanced 9-1-1; fire; law enforcement; master street address guide (MSAG); 9-1-1; public safety; public safety answering point (PSAP); selective routing; tandem

ICS Code

ICS Number Code 33.040.35 (Telephone networks)

DOI: 10.1520/F1381-92R03