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  • ASTM
    E1767-95 Standard Practice for Specifying the Geometry of Observations and Measurements to Characterize the Appearance of Materials (Withdrawn 2004)
    Edition: 1995
    Unlimited Users per year

Description of ASTM-E1767 1995

ASTM E1767-95

Historical Standard: Standard Practice for Specifying the Geometry of Observations and Measurements to Characterize the Appearance of Materials (Withdrawn 2004)

ASTM E1767


1.1 This practice covers the geometry of illuminating and viewing specimens and the corresponding geometry of optical measurements to characterize the appearance of materials. It establishes terms, symbols, a coordinate system, and functional notation to describe the geometric orientation of a specimen, the geometry of the illumination (or optical irradiation) of a specimen, and the geometry of collection of flux reflected or transmitted by the specimen, by a measurement standard, or by the open sampling aperture.

1.2 Optical measurements to characterize the appearance of retroreflective materials are of such a special nature that they are treated in other ASTM standards and are excluded from the scope of this practice.

1.3 The measurement of transmitted or reflected light from areas less than 0.5 mm in diameter may be affected by optical coherence, so measurements on such small areas are excluded from consideration in this practice, although the basic concepts described in this practice have been adopted in that field of measurement.

1.4 The specification of a method of measuring the reflecting or transmitting properties of specimens, for the purpose of characterizing appearance, is incomplete without a full description of the spectral nature of the system, but spectral conditions are not within the scope of this practice. The use of functional notation to specify spectral conditions is described in ISO 5/1.


Appearance of materials; Color-paints/related coatings/materials; Geometric analysis-paints/related coatings; Illumination; Observation; Photometry; Reflectance and reflectivity-paints/related coatings; Spectrophotometry; Transmittance and reflectance; geometry of observations/measurements-specifying to characterize; appearance of materials, practice,; Colorimetric analysis; geometry of observations/measurements-specifyingto characterize; appearance of materials, practice,; Geometric analysis; geometry of observations/measurements-specifying tocharacterize; appearance of materials, practice,; Gloss; geometry of observations/measurements-specifying to; characterizeappearance of materials, practice,; Instrumental measurement-paints/related coatings/materials; geometry ofobservations/measurements-specifying to characterize; appearance of materials,practice,; Light transmission and reflection; geometry of observations/measurements;emspecifying to characterize; appearance of materials, practice,;Order Form

ICS Code

ICS Number Code 17.180.30 (Optical measuring instruments)

DOI: 10.1520/E1767-95