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  • ASTM
    A809-08(2013) Standard Specification for Aluminum-Coated (Aluminized) Carbon Steel Wire
    Edition: 2013
    Unlimited Users per year

Description of ASTM-A809 2013

ASTM A809 - 08(2013)

Standard Specification for Aluminum-Coated (Aluminized) Carbon Steel Wire

Active Standard ASTM A809 | Developed by Subcommittee: A05.12

Book of Standards Volume: 01.06



This specification covers soft, medium, and hard temper carbon steel wire coated with aluminum by a hot-dip process, supplied in coils for general use. The steel rod from which the wire is to be produced shall be manufactured by any commercially accepted steel making practice. The ingot or pig aluminum used for coating shall conform to impurity limits prescribed for copper and iron. The aluminum-coated wire shall meet the tensile strength, coating weight, and adherence requirements. Tensile and adhesion tests shall be performed.

This abstract is a brief summary of the referenced standard. It is informational only and not an official part of the standard; the full text of the standard itself must be referred to for its use and application. ASTM does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents of this abstract are accurate, complete or up to date.

1. Scope

1.1 This specification covers soft, medium, and hard temper carbon steel wire coated with aluminum by a hot-dip process, supplied in coils for general use.

1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical conversions to SI units that are provided for information only and are not considered standard.

2. Referenced Documents (purchase separately) The documents listed below are referenced within the subject standard but are not provided as part of the standard.

ASTM Standards

A370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products

A428/A428M Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on Aluminum-Coated Iron or Steel Articles

A700 Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for Steel Products for Shipment

E29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance with Specifications

U.S. Federal Standard

Fed.Std.No.123 Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)

U.S. Military Standards

MIL-STD-1188 Commercial Packaging of Supplies and Equipment


aluminized wire; aluminum-coated carbon steel wire; steel wire; wire ;

ICS Code

ICS Number Code 77.140.65 (Steel wire, wir ropes and link chains)

DOI: 10.1520/A0809-08R13

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