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    ASHRAE Spanish - Standard 202-2024 -- The Commissioning Process Requirements for New Buildings and New Systems (IES Co-sponsored)
    Edition: 2024
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Content Description

 This is a Spanish translation of Standard 202-2024 completed by Andrés Sepúlveda.

The Commissioning Process (Cx) is a quality-focused process for enhancing the delivery of a project.

Cx begins at project inception and continues for the life of the facility. Because this standard details a process, it can be applied to both new and renovation projects. Cx includes specific tasks for evaluating whether the design, construction, testing, documentation, and training meet the Owner's Project Requirements (OPR).

Standard 202 describes the overall minimum Cx necessary to provide a uniform, integrated, and consistent approach for delivering projects and to provide information for operating facilities that meet the OPR. This standard also describes the general requirements for a training program for continued successful system and assembly performance.

The revised 2024 edition of Standard 202 also includes:

- Revised Title, Purpose, and Scope to clarify the standard applies to new buildings and new systems within existing buildings
- Requirements for what the Cx Provider must provide for Owner review and acceptance when initiating Cx
- Clarity to Construction Phase activity requirements
- Ongoing Commissioning requirements related to new construction
- Clarification of Preliminary Cx Report vs. Final Cx Report