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    ASHRAE Standard 170-2021 -- Ventilation of Health Care Facilities (ANSI Approved; ASHE Co-sponsored)
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Content Description

ANSI/ASHRAE/ASHE Standard 170 offers guidance,regulation, and mandates to designers and operators of health care facilities.The revised 2021 edition incorporates 17 addenda to the 2017 standard.Theupdated standard includes thefollowing significant changes:Revisedscope, with improved guidance on thermal comfort conditions providedExtensivemodifications to address the Outpatient and Residential sectionsAdditionof a new outpatient ventilation table to address nonacute-type spacesExtensiverevisions to air filtration requirementsAdditionof new columns in the ventilation tables to prescribe filtration requirementand designate unoccupied turndownExpandedguidance on separation distance requirements for varied intake and exhaustarrangements, coordinating with related ASHRAE Standard 62.1 dataExpanded requirements to allow airborneinfectious isolation room exhaust discharge to general exhaust under certainconditionsImproved guidance on space ventilationrequirements needed for anesthetic gas useClarificationof Class 1/Class 2/Class 3 imaging in coordination with FGIReviseddefinition of “invasive procedure”Improvedguidance related to behavioral and mental health Most notably,the 2021 edition incorporates content in support of the new frameworkintroduced in 2017, which expanded the standard into three distinct sections:hospital spaces, outpatient spaces, and residential healthcare spaces inalignment with the Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) publications.