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    ASHRAE Guideline 14-2023, Measurement of Energy, Demand and Water Savings
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Content Description

ASHRAE Guideline 14 provides guidance for reliably measuring the energy, demand, and water savings achieved in conservation projects. The guideline presents a standardized set of energy, demand, and water savings calculation procedures and guidance on minimum acceptable levels of performance for determining savings, using measurements, in commercial transactions. ASHRAE Guideline 14 is intended for transactions between energy service companies (ESCOs) and their customers, and between ESCOs and utilities, where the utilities have elected to purchase energy savings. Guideline 14 is expected to provide savings results sufficiently well specified and reasonably accurate that the parties to the transaction can have adequate assurance for the payment basis. Other applications of Guideline 14 may include documenting energy savings for various credit programs. The 2023 edition of Guideline 14 includes an expanded discussion of uncertainty calculations, a new cost estimation section, a new section discussing how to use the ASHRAE Inverse Modeling Toolkit, and a discussion of long-term data storage requirements. This guideline includes online access to the complete contents of the RP-1050 final report and Inverse Model Toolkit, as well as the contents of the RP-1093 final report and Diversity Factor Toolkit.