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    ASHRAE Guideline 13-2024 - Specifying Building Automation Systems
    Edition: 2024
    / user per year

Content Description

ASHRAE Guideline 13-2024 is an essential resource for professionals seeking to standardize the design, documentation, and specification of Building Automation Systems (BASs) in HVAC applications. It provides a comprehensive framework that covers system architecture, hardware performance, installation, training, communication, program configuration, system testing, and documentation. With a focus on improving BAS quality and value, it includes informative appendices on performance monitoring, fault detection, diagnostics, and references to other relevant standards. Guideline 13 covers the following topics: The principles and benefits of BAS design and documentation Common BAS terms and definitions Detailed discussion of BAS specifications with samples, explanations, and examples Coordination of BAS requirements with other project trades Selection of control valves and dampers Cybersecurity considerations for BAS and network infrastructure Guidance for legacy control systems The appendices include: Outline of example specification Discussion of open protocols Interoperability case studies Performance monitoring and fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) Relevant ASHRAE guidelines and standards