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    ASHRAE GreenGuide -- Design, Construction, and Operation of Sustainable Buildings, Sixth Edition
    Edition: 2023
    / user per year

Content Description

As awareness of the built environment’s impact on the natural environment and human occupants grows, the interest in and need for sustainable engineering concepts has increased. In the past two decades, ASHRAE GreenGuide, a landmark publication in the sustainable building arena, has evolved with the growing acceptance of green design practices. Written and reviewed by a group of buildings professionals with real-world experience headed by Tom Lawrence, Abdel Darwich, and Janice Means, the sixth edition of ASHRAE GreenGuide has been revised and streamlined to become a reference resource for practicing buildings industry professionals. Each stage of the building process, from planning to operation, is detailed with an emphasis on collaboration between practitioners. Updates to this edition include: • In-depth discussion of emerging industry trends, including building decarbonization and zero energy emissions • New material on designing and operating buildings and their systems in response to current and expected climate change and accompanying extreme weather events; the need to increase resilience in the built environment; and identifying the interrelationship of sustainability, efficiency, and smart technologies with building resilience • Updated GreenTips and Digging Deeper sidebars for detailed, practical examples