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  • ACI
    ACI SP-356: Development and Applications of FRP Reinforcements (DA-FRPR’21)
    Edition: 2021
    / user per year

Content Description

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcements for concrete structures and civil engineering applications have become one of the innovative and fast-growing technologies to stop the rapid degradation of conventional steel-reinforced concrete infrastructure. FRP reinforcements for construction can be divided into three main types: 1. External sheets or plates to rehabilitate and repair existing concrete and masonry structures, and in some cases steel and wood structures; 2. Internal FRP bars or tendons for new and existing reinforced concrete structures, and 3. FRP stay-in-place forms to be filled with unreinforced or reinforced concrete. A considerable and valuable development and application’s work has been accomplished during the last three decades, leading to the development of numerous design guidelines and codes around the world, making the FRP-reinforcement technology one of the fast-growing markets in the construction industry. During the ACI Concrete Convention, Fall 2021, four full sessions were sponsored and organized by ACI Committee 440. Session S1 was focused on the bond and durability of internal FRP bars; Session S2 on codes, design examples, and applications of FRP internal reinforcements; Session S3 on external FRP reinforcements; and Session S4 on new systems and applications of FRP reinforcements, such as CFFT post-tensioned beams, GFRP-reinforced concrete sandwich panels, FRP-reinforced masonry walls, CFFT under impact lateral loading, near-surface mounted FRP-bars, and GFRP-reinforced-UHPC bridge deck joints.

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Founded in 1904 and headquartered in Farmington Hills, Michigan, USA, the American Concrete Institute is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development and distribution of consensus-based standards, technical resources, educational & training programs, certification programs, and proven expertise for individuals and organizations involved in concrete design, construction, and materials, who share a commitment to pursuing the best use of concrete. ACI has over 95 chapters, 110 student chapters, and nearly 20,000 members spanning over 120 countries.