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  • ACI
    ACI 332-20:Code Requirements for Residential Concrete and Commentary
    Edition: 2020
    / user per year

Content Description

This code covers the design and construction of cast-in-place concrete for one- and two-family dwellings and multiple single-family dwellings (townhouses), and their accessory structures. Among the subjects covered are the design and construction requirements for plain and reinforced concrete footings; foundation walls; slabs-on-ground; and requirements for concrete, reinforcement, forms, and other related materials. The quality and testing of materials discussed in this document are covered by reference to the appropriate ASTM standards. This code is written to allow for reference by adoption in a general building code without changing its language. Background details or suggestions for carrying out the requirements or intent of the code are provided in the commentary. The commentary discusses some of the considerations of the committee in developing the code with emphasis given to the explanation of provisions that may be unfamiliar to code users or where significant departure exists from other concrete codes. Keywords: admixtures; aggregate; backfill; cement; compressive strength; cover; flexural strength; footings; formwork (construction); foundations; loads (forces); slabs; structural analysis; reinforcement.