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  • CHD
    EDAC Study Guide, Volume 3, 3rd Edition
    The Center for Health Design offers 3-year subscriptions only. You will see the price as 3 x an "annual" fee of $32.00 which will total $96.00 during checkout.
    Edition: 2014
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Content Description

Study Guide 3

The EDAC Study Guides are produced by The Center for Health Design. Study Guide 3 – Integrating Evidence-Based Design: Practicing the Healthcare Design Process – walks you through how the key steps of the evidence-based design process can be integrated from pre-design through design and construction, and occupancy. Practical examples demonstrate how evidence-based design is practically applied.


The Study Guides are produced by The Center for Health Design and should be used to help you prepare for the EDAC exam and can serve as reference material when you begin to apply the evidence-based design process into your projects. Subscribe to all three electronic copies of the study guides for a bundled discount. For continued access, your subscription will have to be renewed every three years (access to new editions are included). Students, Affiliates, and Advocate Firms please contact for additional member discount on the study guides.

The following editions for this book are also available...

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Study Guide
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Study Guide
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About CHD

   Throughout our history, The Center has established a proven track record of creating, launching and delivering programs that provide true value to the healthcare design industry — The Pebble Project, EDAC certification, the Affiliate Program, the HERD Journal, the Healthcare Design Expo & Conference, along with the largest collection of healthcare design research, best practices, resources and tools for today’s most urgent and challenging healthcare design issues.